Japanese gaming giant Konami chooses Avalanche for Resella NFT platform

Quick Take

  • The digital arm of Konami Group announced it will use the Avalanche blockchain to enhance services for its NFT platform, Resella.
  • Konami intends to build Resella in a way that would make it easier for developers to design and issue NFTs while offering users a better marketplace experience.

Konami Digital Entertainment, the digital arm of Japanese entertainment and gaming giant Konami Group, announced today that its non-fungible token platform, Resella, will use the Avalanche blockchain to enhance efficiency and offer lower costs for users.

In a statement shared with The Block, Konami said that Resella will be powered by the Avalanche Subnet and supported by Ava Labs’ AvaCloud Web3 launchpad service in an attempt to “provide unparalleled efficiency with zero gas costs for users and consistent processing speeds.”

Konami — known for global franchises including eFootballTM, Metal Gear and Silent Hill — announced the Resella platform last year, which is designed to cater to the needs of both developers and users. The company said that Resella can empower developers to “seamlessly design, issue, and trade NFTs within their applications,” while offering users a decent marketplace experience.

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“Resella paves the way for novel social experiences within the Web3 ecosystem, envisioning seamless integration across diverse services to enhance user engagement,” Konami said.

“For instance, NFTs originating from gaming environments can transcend their virtual boundaries to serve as event tickets or unlock exclusive in-game content, enriching the overall user experience,” the company added.

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About Author

Timmy Shen is an Asia editor for The Block. Previously, he wrote about crypto and Web3 for Forkast.News from Taiwan after spending more than three years in Beijing covering finance, entertainment business and current affairs at Caixin Global and Chinese tech at TechNode. His China-related reporting has also appeared in The Guardian. When he's not chasing headlines, you'll find him savoring hot pot and shabu shabu in a Taipei local haunt. Timmy holds an MS degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Send tips to [email protected] or get in touch on X/Telegram @timmyhmshen.


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Adam James at
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